Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Edinbarnet's Primary 1 - 3 Dance Team

This year we decided to aim our Cheer and Dance club to the younger members of the school.  The boys and girls worked extremely hard over a 5 week period.  They learned the basics of Cheerleading and we focused on timing and partner work.  Our 5 week block of dance ended with a performance at the WDC Dance Festival held in Clydebank Leisure centre.  The boys and girls loved the opportunity to perform and made Miss McKelvie one very proud teacher! 

   Miss McKelvie had over 60 boys and girls who wanted to be a part of this team.  Sadly I couldn't take everyone, so we held auditions and managed to pick out these wonderful children!

We got a little carried away with the photos!

Primary 1a's wonderful dancers!

Primary 3 has lots of talented dancers!

The boys :)

Primary 4/3's wonderful girls!

Primary 2 posing!

Primary 3/2's beautiful dancers!

Miss McKelvie's wonderful Primary 1's!

Block 2 of Stay, Play and Eat

Edinbarnet held its second block of Stay Play and Eat in Term 3.  Again, the initiative was aimed at children in Primary 1 and 2.  We had such a large intake of pupils and parents that we doubled our numbers from the original block and had to create a waiting list!  We loved seeing the enthusiasm and interest in our initiative. 

 This block there was more of a focus on the impact of learning taking place during each session.  Miss McKelvie and Miss Hampson created resources and games to suit the individual abilities of the children attending.  We assessed the children's reading prior to and after attending Stay, Play and Eat.  We also assessed both parents and children's attitudes towards reading prior to and after attending Stay, Play and Eat.  We seen a huge increase in both these areas and will continue to run Stay, Play and Eat in the future!